For simplicity, we call She/Her, the feminine, the ocean of life who yearns to flow, be loved, and cherished.

And we call He/Him, the masculine, the force of presence who yearns to be strong, free and efficient. We all have both feminine and masculine.

The ratio of our feminine/masculine also varies upon the context in which we are in; for example, in our very goal-oriented business environment, many women tend to be more in their masculine polarity at work.

Please read the following coaching offers from your preferred relational polarity, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you prefer heterosexual, or same-sex relationships.

Please also read in the context of your romantic relationship (this does not apply to work, children or friendships).

She Wants to Feel the Strength of Your Presence

The masculine yearns to be the rock on which feminine waves crash. The feminine is going to test you. Are you ready? Up until now, have you been collapsing in anger and resentment? In hopelessness and disconnect? In over-attentiveness and in trying too hard to be a good guy? She is testing you to feel the strength of your presence!

He Wants Your Trust and Your Respect

The feminine yearns to relax and wildly let go in the strength of the masculine presence. How are you showing up with him? Guarded and untrusting? Resentful and disconnected? Overly apologizing and peace-making? The benevolent masculine is much more likely to grow when feeling your trust and your respect.

Preparing Myself for My Next Relationship

You often dream about your perfect partner, but you dread another poor choice. How much time do you actually spend time preparing and making space for your next relationship?

We are not match-makers or dating experts. This is about deep soul searching and clearing out the many cobwebs and misconceptions you have inherited from society and developed from your past experiences.

Ready yourself for and attract the relationship you are yearning for!