Learning to fight!
What if fighting as a couple would not inherently create a disconnect?
What if our fights could actually bring us closer together?
What if we could transform our fights by becoming playful in their midst?
If you are reading this page, you have most likely evolved (at least somewhat) beyond the prince-charming-my-partner-will-make-me-happy romantic ideal.
You have most likely experienced a number of seasons in your partnership (or past partnerships if you are single) and know that how you show up greatly influences what happens in your relationship.
And you most likely have some awareness that you have better options than the same old fights!
What if our fights (that usually turn us into enemies) could actually help us become allies?
What if we could learn to fight against what separates us instead of fighting against each other?
What if we could learn to show up differently before, during and after a fight?
Yes, by learning to be more playful DURING THE ACTUAL FIGHT, we can transform disagreements into connection, drag into fun, built-up resentment into sacred theater, and hurtful words into an invitation to become more present with each other.
If yes, join our upcoming Atelier, Learning to Fight! to learn and practice the art of fighting well as a couple, of instilling more levity and playfulness into our daily bumpings into each other, and of creating a culture of connection and repair in order to enjoy greater intimacy and build an increasingly secure attachment to each other.
This Atelier is for both singles (who are searching for someone to FIGHT with) and couples (who have a special someone they are FIGHTING with).
PS: This is about transforming REAL disagreements and fights.
PPS: This is not about learning to bring a gun to a gun fight.
PPPS: We are not going to teach HOW to have make-up sex!
When View Dates
- The Atelier starts Saturday, November 4, 2023 and runs for 6 weeks.
- Meetings are 9am-11am Pacific Time (noon-3pm ET, 5-7pm in London, 18h-20h in Paris, and 20-22h in Istanbul). The time translations do not take into account for daylight savings changes. We recommend you check www.worldtimebuddy.com to confirm the exact timing in your location.
- Meetings are recorded for the sessions you cannot attend.
- We open each session (except the first one) 30 minutes before class begins for a review of the past session, and we close each session 30 minutes after class ends with a wind-down time to provide additional sharing time for participants who want to further explore class content.
Cost is $480
- Early bird payment of $420 (a $60 saving) with code LEARN up to 2 weeks before class start
- Cost is per device, so you and your partner join for one fee, as long as you join on the same device at least 3 of the 6 sessions. (No worries, there are no device or partner police!)
You will receive an automatic confirmation email from SquareSpace immediately upon completing registration. We will send you the private Zoom link within a week of the start date of the Atelier.